public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tags web & jQuery


Kendo UI - The Art of Web Development

by 1 other
A nifty UI widgets library, very complete and which provides a very descent alternative to jQuery UI.


jQTouch — jQuery plugin for mobile web development

by 12 others
A jQuery plugin for mobile web development on the iPhone, Android, Palm Pre, and other forward-thinking devices. It features image preloading, animations, themes, swipe detection and callback events. A must-use for light IPhone developement.

JQuery File Upload Plugin Script - JQuery File Upload Script - Uploadify

by 7 others
Uploadify is a jQuery plugin that allows the easy integration of a multiple (or single) file uploads on your website

jQuery TOOLS - The UI library for the Web

by 12 others
jQuery Tools is a collection of the most important js user-interface components. It defines itself as THE web js UI library, and explains that "do you really need drag-and-drop, resizable windows or sortable tables in your web applications? Websites are not desktop applications. They are different.". Just a pinch at jQuery UI ?

Flowplayer - Flash Video Player for the Web

A sexy video player solution under GPL license. Provides javascript-flash binding, CSS animation, and several streaming plugins.